Special Event for equine vets - 23-05-2024

Are you an equine vet and want to know more about equine cervical pain and dysfunction? You want to know how you can truly make a difference?

Register now by email info@vianovaequine.com and claim your spot for our event of the 23rd of May 2024. We will start at 17:30Hr.

Our topics will be:

  • lameness vs ataxia – case discussion by Justine Thys (ISELP member)
  • diagnostic work up and treatment options by Caroline Ribonnet (Dipl. ECEIM)
  • added value of CT scan by Marieke Zimmernan (Dipl. ECVDI)
  • equine spine surgery – a new era by Fabrice Rossignol and Ariane Campos (Dipl. ECVS)

Timing of event:

  • 5:30 PM – welcome and light refreshments
  • 6:00 PM – Justine Thys
  • 6:30 PM – Caroline Ribonnet
  • 7:00 PM – BREAK
  • 19:15 – Marieke Zimmerman
  • 19:45 – Fabrice Rossignol & Ariane Campos

A nice get together with food and drinks.


Don't forget to register by emial info@vianovaequine.com