Dunja Suls

Dunja Suls was born on April 2, 1974 and lived in Valkenswaard for the first 18 years of her life. After obtaining her VWO (Atheneum) diploma, she started studying Italian Language and Literature at the University of Utrecht. After completing her propaedeutic year, the emphasis shifted a little too much to Italian literature. She decided to quit and look for a job in the corporate world.

To obtain more practical knowledge, she trained as a Management Assistant and then held a number of positions, for example she worked for a number of years for a company that imported goods from the Far East and sold them in Europe (support of purchasing and sales, accounts, PA, etc).

In 2003 she starting dating Marc Suls and in 2005 she went to work in the office for Praktijk Dr. Suls BV. Then in January 2018 Marc came up with the idea to open a clinic for horses together with Jan Spaas.

After an overwhelming, overwhelming and incredibly busy year, in which she learned everything about the construction and design of the clinic, she is very proud of a little bit of ?her? VIA NOVA.